In the UK
Universal free healthcare.
Housing for all.
Education for all.
Public transport/road/rail networks.
Public water supply.
Public sewerage/waste network.
The telecoms grid.
The power grid.
Socialist policies didn't have much to do with the fluffyburger and suchlike things tho...
BTW, things like the SR71 and the original internet/chip industry were created (amongst other things) with Gov. handouts in the US
(Handouts are a backbone of Socialism)
Cash handouts (just like welfare, but with more zeros) for private sector industry.
Its a mixed economy, you only have to follow the paper trail.
UK people had had enough of living in sh*t conditions by the end of WW2.
Two world wars, then back to living in the same private sector crap?
No toilets in houses, no healthcare...No thx.
(The UK was almost totally private sector.)
Churchill LOST the immediate post war election, (got his ass kicked) and the Socialist Gov. went on to build up/invest in the infrastructure.
[This message was edited by eek on March 25, 2004 at 07:21 AM.]